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Wisconsin Court Casts Doubt About Anti-Poaching Agreements

An “anti-poaching” provision is a common feature of many employment contracts for higher-level employees these days. While the wording can vary a bit, the provision usually provides that if the employee is terminated or otherwise leaves the employment, he or she cannot solicit former co-workers to quit or accept employment with a competitor, supplier, or…

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Wisconsin Residential Contractors Must Have Up-to-Date Credentials

Constructions experts generally agree that even for modest residential remodeling projects, the use of a qualified general contractor is important to achieving the desired results. When it comes to full-fledged construction projects in Wisconsin, retention of an experienced contractor is even more crucial. Virtually everyone has heard a horror story where an unqualified firm was…

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Are Your Condominium HOA Rules Up to Date?

As the saying goes, “to every thing there is a season.” Implicit within the statement is the knowledge that virtually everything has a life cycle. Human beings age. Their residential structures age, as well. Nowhere is this more prevalent than in a condominium community. The development that started perhaps as a beacon for young couples…

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Four Risk Management Tips for Physicians

Physicians today face a host of issues. Some related to lifestyle: Where should one practice and under what conditions? Others relate to the complicated regulatory world within which a physician must carve out his or her professional existence. Still others relate to the management of risk. While the practice of medicine will always entail some…

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Should Wisconsin Uber/Lyft Drivers Have Insurance Concerns?

You look at your calendar and realize that you have, on average, three free evenings per week. You look at your checkbook balance and realize that some extra income sure would be nice. You look at your driving record and realize that you obey the traffic laws. You’re a good candidate to be a driver…

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What Duty Wisconsin Director Owe Insolvent Corporation’s Creditors?

It’s generally said that a corporate director owes a duty of care – the duty to be prudent in his or her decision-making – and a duty of loyalty – the duty to refrain from acting in a fashion that would be in his or her economic interest and against those of the corporation. Does…

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Does Copyright Law Apply to Construction Blueprints?

Experienced Milwaukee Attorneys Protecting Your Copyrights The conversation begins something like this: The CEO of a successful, mid-sized company turns to several VPs and says, “Last week, when I was in Denver, I saw an awesome headquarters building; it’s exactly what we need in Milwaukee. I took some photos with my smartphone and our architect…

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US Supreme Court Issues Important Ruling State Securities Fraud Cases

Milwaukee, Wisconsin Security Fraud Attorneys On May 16, 2016, the United States Supreme Court held that state courts retain jurisdiction over state-law-based securities lawsuits that only incidentally involve the federal Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act). In a somewhat rare unanimous 8–0 decision, the Court held that the scope of the Exchange Act’s exclusive…

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Construction Law: Understanding Wisconsin’s Right to Cure Act

Construction Practices Have Changed Over the Years Residential construction has changed a lot since the mid–19th century when Milwaukee earned the nickname “Cream City,” a reference not to milk products, but to the large number of cream colored bricks that were produced out of the Menomonee River Valley. Often as not, framing was with heavy,…

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