Business Attorneys with Experience and Expertise to Assist Clients in Fraudulent Transfer Cases throughout Milwaukee
Also Serving the Following Areas: Madison, Green Bay, Wausau, Waukesha, Racine, Kenosha, and Janesville.
As a business continues to struggle and it becomes clear that insolvency and bankruptcy are coming, many business owners face serious dilemmas about what to do with the assets of the business. As they seek to salvage as much as possible, the temptation for many is to transfer funds or engage in moving assets to private parties or other entities in an effort to protect those resources from a potential bankruptcy.
These conveyances are generally considered fraudulent. State and federal laws allow the funds that were transferred to be pulled back into the pool of assets considered in the bankruptcy.
At Kerkman & Dunn, we are prepared to represent banks seeking to retrieve assets that were fraudulently transferred and those who are defending against allegations that they engaged in these transfers. Our attorneys deeply understand the workings of bankruptcy and business transactions, and our skill and experience enable us to act decisively on behalf of our clients.

Bankruptcy Preference Lawyers in Milwaukee
Many business owners may make arrangements with their assets in the time period leading up to a potential insolvency. These adjustments are not always fraudulent, but given the circumstances, creditors may accuse the owner of illegal behavior.
Preferences are a common example of this. A business can legally prefer one or more creditors to the others, paying this entity or entities back before the others. In these situations, however, the relationship between the debtor and the creditor will come under close scrutiny to determine if there is fraudulent intent, particularly if the transfer is between family members.
Contact A Milwaukee Fraudulent Transfer Lawyer
To arrange an initial consultation to discuss your case, please contact our law firm today at 800-645-9064.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.
An Experienced Law Firm For Your Needs
Some firms seek to win cases, drawing the matter out much longer than necessary to achieve a moral victory at the expense of the client’s time and money.